When is my baby actually a baby?

When considering abortion, a big question many women ask is “when does my pregnancy become an actual baby?” It’s a very important question, and not one to be taken lightly.  When conception occurs, the result is a zygote that quickly becomes an embryo. As that embryo grows, she is called a fetus, and then when

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Your girlfriend just told you she’s pregnant. What now?

You may be feeling any range of emotions from shock, fear, excitement, anger, or even a jumbled mixture of all or more of those. What is the best way to respond when your girlfriend (or fiancée or wife) unexpectedly drops the news that she’s pregnant? Here are a few things we recommend: 1 – Use

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How Not to be Terrified of Childbirth

As a birth doula, I’ve had many conversations with my twenty-something-year-old friends about childbirth. It usually involves a lot of listening on my end as the young woman sitting across from me in the coffee shop wrestles with her fears and misconceptions surrounding the ever increasingly taboo topic of birth. “I used to be terrified

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Abortion and Coercion.

Up to 64% of women report feeling pressured to have an abortion (Elliot Institute, 2019). Most people assume women have abortions because they do not want to be pregnant, when in reality, approximately 20% of abortions are unwanted. That means, in the United States, about 172,464 women have unwanted abortions every single year (Jones &

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Will having an Abortion Affect Your Health?

While our hearts ache for our country as it continues to struggle with a pandemic and racial injustice, many women are continuing to experience unexpected pregnancies. In fact, some sources have predicted an increase in unexpected pregnancies during this time (United Nations Population Fund, 2020). Before you make a decision about whether or not to

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Fertility: Burden or Blessing?

Almost two thirds of American women are using some sort of contraceptive method. And 99% of sexually active women used at least one type of contraception between 2006-2010 (Ravitz, 2018). Our society avoids pregnancy like it’s the plague. Our culture promotes sexual freedom but shies away from addressing the natural and common consequence: pregnancy. Approximately

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Handling an Unexpected Pregnancy During a Worldwide Pandemic.

As if a worldwide pandemic wasn’t enough, you find out you’re unexpectedly pregnant. Even though it may feel like it, know that you are NOT alone. Let’s talk about what you can do, where you can go for help, and what resources are available to you. Not to state the obvious but, unexpected pregnancies happen.

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For The Guys: How Should I Respond to an Unexpected Pregnancy?

Facing an unexpected pregnancy can be scary and overwhelming. You probably have a lot of questions and concerns. Reacting appropriately is crucial during this time. Unexpected Pregnancies Happen. Currently, about 45% of the 6 million pregnancies in the United States each year are unintended. (Guttmacher, 2020) You are not alone in this situation. Unintentional pregnancies

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Is it Safe to Induce an At-Home Abortion?

Lately there’s been a lot of talk about how to induce an at-home abortion. On social media platforms like Tumblr and Reddit, people share ways to perform at home abortions such as performing menstrual extraction or sharing herbal remedy abortion information. So let’s keep the convo going. Is there any safe way to do it?

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What No One Told Me About Birth Control.

“When I first started taking birth control pills, I didn’t notice any side effects. After a couple of months though, I felt like I was gaining weight. It wasn’t anything substantial, but it was enough for me to notice and be bothered by it. I also started to notice a shift in my mood. I

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